Three more foreigners have been denied entry at Changi Airport, this is on top of the 28 people whom the police have raised objection to before. According to the Singapore police, they are just being firm on turning away anyone who could pose a security threat. I am sorry but this is beginning to be stupid! I mean the IMF is to show a good side of Singapore to the world right? How do you think it look if we excluded activists who have already been cleared by their governments! I mean even The World Bank are now telling us to let these guys in. And that is saying something! A big event like the IMF meeting will attract a lot of people, that's what we want right? Even World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz said that Singapore appears to have reneged on a deal over admission of activists. It's embarssing, just let them in for 10 days then when the world is not looking, ban them for life if you want.